Friday, September 5, 2008


Welcome back! Thanks to all of you who have been waiting patiently for the 2008 incarnation of the 48 Hour Guerrilla Film Competition. Right now we are working to make 2008 bigger, better and stronger than ever!

Before we get into the news for 2008, we'd like to take a moment and thank everyone who worked so hard to make 2007 such a success. Firstly, a big thanks to Christie Fletcher and Randy Starr, who helped build the public awareness to a fever pitch. Thanks to Ken Sons ( ) and Les McCurdy ( )for lending their time and energy to the competition both as judges and as huge supporters. Thanks to Tim Wilkins for going above and beyond the call of duty to document the behind the scenes action.

A HUGE thank you to Dick Smothers, who not only was one of our most enthusiastic supporters but who judged the entries while on tour (what a guy!)

Thanks to Burns Court and to the Rhino Room for making our kickoff party and screening a success and thanks to Steve Patmagrian and Henry Feree at New Atmosphere Productions and the gang at Sound Stage 1 and Mars Vision Productions ( , ) for making the wrap party and awards ceremony such an exciting experience.

A special thanks to Del Jacobs and Trenton Stryker and the MCC Film Department for documenting the entire competition as well as lending a huge helping hand. Thanks to Teresa and Kyle at Digital Three ( for making the art, graphics and design happen.

Thank you to Kim Wilkins for getting ROCK STAR ENERGY DRINKS on board and helping us market the hell out of it all. Thanks to Geoffery Smith at INK4ART for the bang-up job printing our posters and thanks to GORILLA RIOT ( ) for printing all of our badass t-shirts.

Last but not least, thanks to all the teams and fans who showed up, shot first and asked questions later.

It takes a lot of hard work and some really skilled people to make this thing happen every year and we just want everyone to know how much we appreciate it all.

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