Thursday, March 12, 2009

Knowledge is power. For real.

Hello all and welcome back. It's been a while since our last post and quite a bit has happened in the interim. Firstly let me begin by thanking everyone for their support and enthusiasm at last years GFC event. It was certainly the best yet.

Here's the deal. I'd like to think we can all agree that the 48GFC is awesome. That said, it's not perfect and we're well aware of the many ways it could be improved. We've always tried our best to provide an exciting and professionally run competition punctuated by a kick-ass event. Sometimes we hit it square on the head, other times we miss something here or there. We've been listening to the feedback that's been coming our way and we've come up with a plan to re-invent the 48GFC in a much bigger way and (hopefully) solve the things you weren't happy with while adding a host of new improvements that will make the competition even better than we'd imagined when we got it off the ground in the first year.

Now for the good stuff...

We're presently re-designing the website. The first huge change is that when the new site goes live, the 48 Hour Guerrilla Film Competition will be accessible to everyone in the world at any time. What does this mean? You're going to have to wait to find out. Rest assured, it's going to be way better. Everyone will be able to compete at a time that's convenient for them. This will also allow us to approach larger sponsors and increase the size/quality of the prizes awarded.

Don't worry, we're still going to have a wrap party and awards ceremony, but I can't go into how that will work just yet. Trust me, that will be bigger and better as well.

The new site will be where you go to get your genres, lines of dialogue, props etc. These will be generated randomly by an underground supercomputer designed by William Shatner. Ok, not really but it's almost as cool.

Ok, that's all I have time to tell you for now. More to come.


P.S. We've designed the most amazing trophy ever as our new award. It's completely original, designed by a professional artist and it will be made of solid metal. In a foundry. You could kill someone with this thing. For real. Updates as we get them.

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Events....

Coming Early 2009